Elis dividend

Last dividends paid by Elis :

Payment DateAmountTypeFiscal YearEx-Dividend Date
29/05/20240.43 EURRegular202327/05/2024
22/06/20230.41 EURRegular202230/05/2023
16/06/20220.37 EURRegular202125/05/2022
0.00 EURRegular2019
29/05/20190.37 EURSpecial201827/05/2019
31/05/20180.37 EURSpecial201729/05/2018
31/05/20170.37 EURSpecial201629/05/2017

Nota: Date format is DD/MM/YYYY.

Elis dividend - History (by fiscal year) :

Fiscal YearDividend Amount
20230.430 EUR
20220.410 EUR
20210.370 EUR
20190.000 EUR
20180.370 EUR
20170.370 EUR
20160.370 EUR

See dividends of other companies

See next dividends that will be paid

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