Eramet dividend

Last dividends paid by Eramet :

Payment DateAmountTypeFiscal YearEx-Dividend Date
06/06/20241.50 EURRegular202304/06/2024
30/05/20233.50 EURRegular202226/05/2023
07/06/20222.50 EURRegular202103/06/2022
31/05/20190.60 EURRegular201829/05/2019
31/05/20182.30 EURRegular201729/05/2018
23/05/20131.30 EURRegular201220/05/2013
23/05/20122.25 EURRegular201118/05/2012
18/05/20113.50 EURRegular201013/05/2011
23/06/20101.80 EURRegular200931/05/2010
25/05/20095.25 EURRegular200820/05/2009
15/05/20086.00 EURRegular200712/05/2008
15/05/20072.90 EURRegular200615/05/2007
01/06/20062.10 EURRegular200501/06/2006
15/06/20052.00 EURRegular200415/06/2005
15/06/20040.86 EURRegular200315/06/2004
26/06/20031.00 EURRegular200202/06/2003
28/06/20021.14 EURRegular200103/06/2002
15/06/20011.30 EURRegular200015/06/2001
30/06/20001.14 EURRegular199906/06/2000
07/06/19991.14 EURRegular199807/06/1999

Nota: Date format is DD/MM/YYYY.

Eramet dividend - History (by fiscal year) :

Fiscal YearDividend Amount
20231.500 EUR
20223.500 EUR
20212.500 EUR
20180.600 EUR
20172.300 EUR
20121.300 EUR
20112.250 EUR
20103.500 EUR
20091.800 EUR
20085.250 EUR
20076.000 EUR
20062.900 EUR
20052.100 EUR
20042.000 EUR
20030.860 EUR
20021.000 EUR
20011.140 EUR
20001.300 EUR
19991.140 EUR
19981.140 EUR

See dividends of other companies

See next dividends that will be paid

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