Rubis dividend

Last dividends paid by Rubis :

Payment DateAmountTypeFiscal YearEx-Dividend Date
18/06/20241.98 EURRegular202314/06/2024
15/06/20231.92 EURRegular202213/06/2023
16/06/20221.86 EURRegular202114/06/2022
02/07/20211.80 EURRegular202016/06/2021
17/07/20201.75 EURRegular201917/06/2020
16/07/20191.59 EURRegular201817/06/2019
05/07/20181.50 EURRegular201708/06/2018
06/07/20172.68 EURRegular201609/06/2017
08/07/20162.42 EURRegular201510/06/2016
08/07/20152.05 EURRegular201408/06/2015

Nota: Date format is DD/MM/YYYY.

Rubis dividend - History (by fiscal year) :

Fiscal YearDividend Amount
20231.980 EUR
20221.920 EUR
20211.860 EUR
20201.800 EUR
20191.750 EUR
20181.590 EUR
20171.500 EUR
20162.680 EUR
20152.420 EUR
20142.050 EUR

See dividends of other companies

See next dividends that will be paid

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